Tuesday, August 10, 2010

First Week on the Job!

My first week at The Sports Hub involved getting to know who I would be working with and what I would be doing. I was introduced to:

Damon Amendolara- host of the D.A. Show

Chris Curtis- Executive Producer of the D.A. Show

Josh Deering- Audio Producer of the D.A. Show

Chuck Perks- Headline Reporter for the D.A. Show

I learned that I would be working in one studio with Chris Curtis, while Damon, Josh, and Chuck would be working in the studio in the next room. I would be answering phone calls and recording the D.A Show's segments. Chris is the executive producer, so he would get well-known sports writers to come on the air with D.A. to talk sports professionally. Josh is in charge of the audio, and would sit right across from D.A. in the studio. Chuck would announce the major sports headlines of the day every 20 minutes. And D.A., the host, would handle the crazy callers as well as give an entertaining and informational sports show for 5 straight hours.

The D.A. Show covered every sports team in Boston, and attracted many loyal callers. Check out the D.A. Show's website here !

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